Friday, October 11, 2013

Enjoy These Insider Beauty Tips And Start Looking Fab

By Abbey Deromer

Some people believe that you're either naturally beautiful or you just aren't. This simply isn't true. The following article will teach what beauty really is. Besides, beauty is also within a personality and not just part of your traits.

A good skin care tip is to exfoliate your face. Even if you have very sensitive or dry skin, you can use gentle exfoliation up to three times weekly -- any less will not reveal the true benefits of the plump, healthy skin cells that lie underneath your top layer of skin cells. This can help you skin radiate with that fresh, clean feeling. It also prevents the buildup of harmful skin-clogging debris.

Vitamin E is great to keep around. It can be used for a wide variety of beauty issues. It can help keep your skin healthy and soft. You can also use it to keep your nails smooth and your cuticles nice and soft.

You should be sure to exfoliate. Exfoliate your skin every other day to keep the top layer looking fresh and smooth. In addition, your face take on a fresh glow following an exfoliation, and it helps eliminate excess dirt and oils on your face.

Make foundation last longer by mixing it with moisturizer. It will also add more SPF protection and you'll give off a healthy glow.

Make space in your fridge for your cosmetics. You should think about doing this during the summer. If you keep your toners, oils and lotions in the fridge, you can put them on even if you are experiencing a heatwave. You can even cool yourself off thanks to lotions.

Imperfections, such as pimples, can be really distracting. Use a dab of toothpaste to battle any blemish that appears on your skin. Keep the toothpaste on the spot for approximately 10 minutes before removing it with a clean, moist cloth. This will help dry up your pimple and make it disappear.

Try using a blush that is matte instead of a shimmery one. Shimmer blushes can highlight any imperfection. Using a matte blush can cover blemishes well and make your skin look flawless.

Always wash off all of your makeup before going to bed. Use a washcloth that is gentle, or find a makeup remover that is not harsh on your skin. Then, wash your face as you normally would. Make-up left on overnight will certainly clog your pores and most likely lead to morning break-outs.

Eating healthy foods is essential for healthy hair, skin and nails. Beauty comes from within and is dependent upon what is put into the body in the way of nourishment. Varied nutrients are a vital part of any healthy diet. Consume a wide variety of whole grains, protein, zinc, and iron to obtain healthy hair, nails, and skin.

Do not take hot baths or showers. A hot shower will open your pores and expose your skin's natural oils. They will then be washed away down the drain. The easiest way to avoid this is to use warm or tepid water. Doing so is more likely to keep your skin soft. It will also help you save on your heating bill.

Using lotion can help prevent ingrown hairs. Follow shaving with a soothing application of lotion to avoid ingrown hairs. One big cause of ingrown hairs is dry skin, and the lotion prevents that. It keeps the skin moisturized. This will make existing ingrown hairs come out, and stop new ones from forming.

Become the beautiful woman that others will admire by following the simple advice from this article. Use the tips you have just learned, and enjoy your beautiful appearance and newfound confidence.

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Eye makeup is by far the most fun of all to apply. Your entire look can be changed when all you do is darken or lighten your eye area, which is a really cool concept. The first thing you need to be aware of is which kind of facial moisturizer you're using. Sun damage is the leading cause of wrinkles and cancer, and your eyes will show your age more than any other body part. Got crow's feet? They're easier to prevent than they are to cover up, let me tell you. That said, you should start with a moisturizer that features at least a SPF 15. Make sure you cover your whole face and neck, paying special attention to the area around your eyes. Next, you should put on your foundation. I like to cut mine 50/50 with more face lotion to avoid a dreaded makeup line, but if you need more coverage you should just blend a little more. After you've put it on your entire face, you can put on your concealer. This is the first step to having great eye makeup: covering the bags under your eyes. Everyone has a little natural discoloration in that area, but you should make sure to even it out before applying eyeshadow or anything else. Once that is done, set it with face powder. Now that your face is primed for the colors you're about to put on it, you're good to start applying eye makeup to your heart's content. From eyebrow pencils to mascara, it all has to start with a good base. I prefer powdered eyeshadow over its crme counterpart, mostly because the crme shadows tend to crease and smear a lot. I have found that powders never do, although they may fade a bit. They key to good eye makeup is to have fun with it, though, so I encourage you to experiment on your own.
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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Use Only The Best Eyelash Growth Solution Available

By Lila Berger

Nowadays it is great to see that people are making asserted efforts to look good. They are looking after their skins and spending a lot of time and money on good beauty products. The new thing that they are making use of is the new eyelash growth solution.

When it comes to looking attractive, many women will do just about anything. They perm their hair to look curly when it is the fashion and they straighten it with irons when that is the latest trend. These days the focus is on eyes and the newest craze is the extensions they glue on the eyelid to enhance the length of the lashes.

Fashion and beauty is the name of the game when it comes to looking good. They pull out all the stops when it comes to spending money on beauty products to enhance their looks. This is often quite pricey and they often only make use of the best products available. This is good as it means that they are looking after their skins as best they can.

These days there are so many options to choose from when it comes to beauty products that you are spoilt for choice when it comes to choosing just one. The stores are packed with many such products and you have to know which ones are going to be good for your particular need. This is important as if you get one which is not suitable it may damage your skin.

The main concern these days it the fact that people are against the fact that they will undoubtedly age. They do not like the idea that they will suffer wrinkles and fine lines around their eyes and mouth. Of course there are many preventative measures to take such as staying out of the dangerous sun, but these folk will do anything in order to retain their youthful looks.

Although there are many products available off the shelves at beauty stores, it is the salons that provide the better quality ones. The people at these salons are trained to perform certain treatments which are supposed to help with the aging process and the treatment of the skin for beauty purposes. Such salons are booked for weeks in advance for these treatments as women all over the world flock to them for these treatments.

When it comes to such things, many folk swear by laser treatments which are supposed to help with this issue. Although it is successful and many people are adamant that it works, it is important to make sure that the beauty salon knows what they are doing. There are many techniques that can be used and it is therefore important to make sure that the salon you choose does the right technique.

Before you go for any treatments or buy some of the latest eyelash growth solution it is very important to make sure that your skin is going to benefit from it. Of course all this is in order to do right by yourself and one must pull out all the stops when doing so. Beauty will still however lie in the eye of the beholder.

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Tips And Tricks With Eye Makeup And Eyeshadow

When a person looks at a woman's face, more often than not the first thing he or she notices are her eyes. The eyes are the windows to the soul, as they say, and they are the brightest and the most beautiful features in a woman's face.

That is why the eyes are given much attention when eye makeup is applied to her face and the choice of eyeshadow and the way it is applied is always done with great care. Whenever you put on your eye makeup, your aim should always be to make your eyes look brighter.

Your eye makeup should make your eyes stand out among the other features of your face. You can achieve this by selecting the right colors for your eyeshadow and creating the right blend of eyeshadow for your eyes.

The colors you choose for your eyeshadow should either match the color of your eyes or provide a contrast to it. If your eyes are blue, then blue eyeshadow would work perfectly for you. If your eyes are brown or hazel, brownish or golden tints for your eyeshadow would be gorgeous. Nonetheless, blue eyeshadow on brown eyes can provide a very nice contrast and make the eyes appear brighter.

 Your eyeshadow should be composed of three shades: a light color such as taupe for your base shadow, a darker highlighter for the crease of your eyes, and the main color for your eyelid that is a shade lighter than your highlighter. The key to making your eyeshadow work is to blend in these three colors. Applying your eye makeup comes after you have put foundation on your face.

Always make it a point to put on your makeup from the eyes downward. Before putting on eye makeup, prime your lids first with eye cream for protecting the sensitive skin of your eyelids, and then dab on a little foundation over them. The foundation will make sure that your eyeshadow will last for hours. After you are done with the foundation, dab on the base color for your eyeshadow, covering the whole lid and the brow bone. Follow it with the main color for your eyelid.

The highlighter comes next, but do take care how you put your highlighter because if applied the wrong way, your highlighter can make your eyes look too big and too beady. Keep your highlighter to the outer edges of your eyes.

Also, avoid putting highlighter on your brow bone, unless you are putting on makeup for an evening affair or going to a photo shoot. Blend the three shades of your eyeshadow carefully so they appear to smooth over each other. After you are done with your eyeshadow, you can start putting on the other elements of your eye makeup, applied to the eyebrows and the eyelashes.

Your eyebrows give character to your eyes, so you should not neglect them when you are putting on eye makeup. Brush them with a brow brush and then shape them with eyeliner. Make sure that your eyeliner pencil is sharp and matches the shade of your mascara. As for your eyelashes, the proper application of mascara on them will do a lot in making your eyes pop.

Mascara extends the length of your eyelashes and makes them appear thicker. Curl your eyelashes first with an eyelash curler before putting on your eyeshadow so the thing would not botch your carefully blended eyeshadow.

Put just enough mascara and wipe away excess mascara from the applicator before putting it to your lashes so that your lashes will not clump together. Also, use smudge-proof and waterproof mascara so that it will not run if ever tears come to your eyes, especially when you are wearing contact lenses.

To finish it off, line your eyelids just under the lashes with eyeliner. If you want special touches to your eye makeup, you can put on a little shimmer on your eyes to make them appear brighter. If your age lingers around 30 and above, however, use shimmer with caution because shimmer can attract unwanted attention to the wrinkles around your eyes, if you have them already.

Special occasions require special touches on your eye makeup, though, and in that case, you can put a little amount of shimmer on your brow bone. You can further brighten your eyes by drawing a dot or two with white eyeliner or eyeshadow on the inner edge of your eyes.

 Another thing you should remember when putting on eye makeup is to go for balance. If you are wearing bright red lipstick, tone down your eye makeup. In fact, you can completely forego wearing eye shadow and just stick to mascara and eyeliner if you are wearing red lipstick. Wearing red lipstick and dark eyeshadow will only make you appear like a clown.

 In putting on makeup, we should take care how we put on our eye makeup and how we apply eyeshadow. The eyes, after all, are the most beautiful features on a woman's face, so we should emphasize their beauty always.
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Eye Makeup: Eye Makeup Tips Guaranteed To Make You Look Better

Eye makeup is by far the most fun of all to apply. Your entire look can be changed when all you do is darken or lighten your eye area, which is a really cool concept. The first thing you need to be aware of is which kind of facial moisturizer you're using.

Sun damage is the leading cause of wrinkles and cancer, and your eyes will show your age more than any other body part. Got crow's feet? They're easier to prevent than they are to cover up, let me tell you. That said, you should start with a moisturizer that features at least a SPF 15.

Make sure you cover your whole face and neck, paying special attention to the area around your eyes. Next, you should put on your foundation. I like to cut mine 50/50 with more face lotion to avoid a dreaded makeup line, but if you need more coverage you should just blend a little more.

After you've put it on your entire face, you can put on your concealer. This is the first step to having great eye makeup: covering the bags under your eyes. Everyone has a little natural discoloration in that area, but you should make sure to even it out before applying eyeshadow or anything else.

Once that is done, set it with face powder. Now that your face is primed for the colors you're about to put on it, you're good to start applying eye makeup to your heart's content. From eyebrow pencils to mascara, it all has to start with a good base. I prefer powdered eyeshadow over its crme counterpart, mostly because the crme shadows tend to crease and smear a lot. I have found that powders never do, although they may fade a bit. They key to good eye makeup is to have fun with it, though, so I encourage you to experiment on your own.
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How To Apply Eye Makeup

Makeup should emphasize beauty and highlight your best features, not become a mask for which to hide. It is the eyes, the windows to your heart and character that are seen first. Your eyes create a focal point for creativity, fun, and elegance. Therefore, when applying eye makeup, it is necessary to create balance and harmony to reveal your true beauty. 

Applying eye makeup can be a frightening concept if you are not equipped with the correct knowledge and equipment. Once you know the basics, you will find that applying eye makeup is fun. All you need is the right color, shadow brushes, an eye lining pencil, an eyelash curler, and mascara.

 First, it is important to know that your eyes are a great place to begin to express yourself. Adding color to the eyes will automatically draw attention to them. Because of this, when you apply shadow, choose colors that complement your skin tone and eye color. Use the iris as a guide in choosing your color scheme. You want to create a polished elegant look.

 Color Guide:

 Blue Eyes To emphasize blue eyes use gray, rose, mauve, purple, orange, peach, gold, or any shade of bronze. When selecting a shade of blue to go with the eyes follow the rule of opposites. (If the eye is dark blue, use sky blue; if the eye is icy blue, use darker blues, even indigo.)

 Green Eyes

To emphasize green eyes use chestnut, royal purple, violet, plum, forest green, and brown. If the iris is a deep green, try using a darker eye shadow; if the iris is a pale green use a pale green eye shadow.

 Hazel Eyes

To emphasize the green in hazel eyes use royal purple, rose, violet, and forest green. To make the eye more brown, use chestnut.

 Brown Eyes

To emphasize brown eyes use copper, bronze, champagne, beige, forest green, gold, and other metallics. Using shades of green will complement brown eyes.

 Brown-Black Eyes

To emphasize deep brown eyes use tones that are lighter and pearly to bounce more light. Try a sheer green.

The secret to applying Eye Makeup

 When applying eye makeup, remember that a small amount goes a long way. It is best to start applying the shadow lightly, building up to intensity desired. Since you can alter the shape and look of your eyes using eye makeup, begin by tracing the brow bone with your finger or shadow tool to get a feel for the shape of your eye. It is important to note that you do no want to apply eye shadow above your brow bone; rather, you will be blending upward towards the brow bone.

 How to use a brush to apply your eye shadows

 Apply your shadow using a shadow brush in a medium size. The brush will give you more control. A larger eye shadow brush will give more coverage for the total eye. A smaller shadow brush will give a more defining line. Keep in mind that you will want to use a synthetic brush for creams and a natural hair brush for powder. Using these brushes for specific eye makeup will make clean-up easier.

 1. Begin applying the shadow to the mobile eye, making sure that the shadow covers evenly and is blended carefully in an upward movement. Remember to blend toward the brow bone. Keeping the brush moving in circular movements will help create an even blend of color. Shadow should be applied toward the lachrymal area, or inner corner, and blended.

 2. Apply the shadow on the opposite eye. Be sure to create equal looks. Uneven shadow will upset the balance and harmony.

 3. Apply the eyeliner to the top of the eye, close to the lashes. This will create thickness. You can also line the bottom lashes lightly for a more dramatic and defined look. Remember that when you apply loner, black is more commonly used for nighttime and brown or navy for daytime.

 4. For more emphasis, apply a pearly white or ivory in the inner corner of the eyes and above the brow bone to highlight the eyes. Blend carefully so that the shadow highlights and does not appear as a polka dot in the corner of the eye or a harsh line below the brow.

 5. Finish applying eye makeup with mascara. Curl the lashes to further open the eyes. Once again, when applying eye makeup, it is best to begin with a light coat of mascara on both top and bottom lashes. You can build intensity by applying another coat, depending on the look desired. Look up when applying mascara to the lashes.

 Critical factors to consider when applying eye make up

 Remember: Your goal is to emphasize your natural beauty and create harmony. Keep these factors in mind when selecting and applying your eye makeup:

skin color
eye color
hair color
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Eye shadow colours , Beauty eyes tips , Eye shadow , Eye doctor , Eye swelling 2012